This is a currency converter application, that gets rates from the online daily updated JSON file at
The raw JSON data is deserialized to a Dictionary(Of String, currencyDetails). The Dictionary stores all of the details about each currency, including an Overridden ToString method which returns the three character currency code, a hyphen, and the official currency name. Two Arrays derived from the Dictionary serve as DataSources for the From and To ComboBoxes. The ComboBoxes display the currencies and are sorted ASC.
In Form_Load after the JSON is deserialized, a Table Class containing a Shared Array is called to create the Array used to store all of the currency rates used by the converter. This is also arranged ASC, so the correct Array indices will be the From and To ComboBox SelectedIndices, and converting any of 148 currencies to any other of the 148 currencies is easily achieved.
This example uses just one Class for the currencyDetails obtained from the JSON, and another Class to host the Shared Array. Other than setting up the DataSources, creating the Table, and converting the currencies, there's just several GUI handlers for ensuring the results Label is kept up to date, and there's some painting in the Form_Paint event.
SystemColors are used in the Form to create a contrasting appearance, which should work well, however, your current color scheme is set up.
Imports System.Net Imports Newtonsoft.Json Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim client As New WebClient Dim rawResponseString As String = client.DownloadString("") 'This is the Dictionary that, along with the table Array, 'creates the core of this application. 'The base currency for the rates obtained from the JSON is the Euro Dim jsonResulttodict As Dictionary(Of String, currencyDetails) = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, currencyDetails))(rawResponseString) jsonResulttodict.Add("eur", New currencyDetails("EUR", "Euro", "1", jsonResulttodict("gbp").dateString, "1")) 'Stop 'These are all used simply for creation of the 2D table Array 'that is used throughout this application Dim codes() As String = jsonResulttodict.Select(Function(kvp) kvp.Value.code).ToArray Dim tempCodes() As String = DirectCast(codes.Clone, String()) Dim rates() As Decimal = jsonResulttodict.Select(Function(kvp) kvp.Value.rate).ToArray Dim inverse() As Decimal = jsonResulttodict.Select(Function(kvp) kvp.Value.inverseRate).ToArray Array.Sort(codes, rates) Array.Sort(tempCodes, inverse) Table.createArray(codes, rates, inverse) 'These have two separately created Arrays. The Arrays are identical 'but using one single Array for both ComboBoxes wouldn't allow 'the ComboBoxes to work independently of each other... cboFrom.DataSource = jsonResulttodict.Select(Function(kvp) kvp.Value).OrderBy(Function(cd) cd.ToString).ToArray cboTo.DataSource = jsonResulttodict.Select(Function(kvp) kvp.Value).OrderBy(Function(cd) cd.ToString).ToArray 'To ensure conversion takes place ASAP For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls If ctrl Is nudAmount Then Continue For AddHandler ctrl.Click, AddressOf ctrls_Click Next AddHandler Me.Click, AddressOf ctrls_Click End Sub Private Sub ctrls_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If sender Is Me Then lblResults.Select() DirectCast(sender, Control).Select() End Sub Private Sub inputs_ValuesChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles nudAmount.ValueChanged, cboFrom.SelectedIndexChanged, cboTo.SelectedIndexChanged, nudAmount.Leave, cboFrom.Leave, cboTo.Leave If cboFrom.SelectedIndex < 0 Or cboTo.SelectedIndex < 0 Or nudAmount.Value = 0D Then lblResults.Text = "" : Return lblResults.Text = nudAmount.Value.ToString & " " & cboFrom.Text.Substring(0, 3) & Environment.NewLine & "equals... " & Environment.NewLine & (Table.getValueAt(cboFrom.SelectedIndex, cboTo.SelectedIndex) * nudAmount.Value).ToString & " " & cboTo.Text.Substring(0, 3) & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Currency rates updated - " & DirectCast(cboFrom.SelectedItem, currencyDetails).dateString End Sub 'This just paints some contrasting borders, in 'keeping with the systemcolors contrasting theme Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(nudAmount.Left - 2, nudAmount.Top - 2, nudAmount.Width + 4, nudAmount.Height + 4), SystemColors.Control, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid) ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(cboFrom.Left - 2, cboFrom.Top - 2, cboFrom.Width + 4, cboFrom.Height + 4), SystemColors.Control, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid) ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(cboTo.Left - 2, cboTo.Top - 2, cboTo.Width + 4, cboTo.Height + 4), SystemColors.Control, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid) ControlPaint.DrawBorder(e.Graphics, New Rectangle(lblResults.Left - 3, lblResults.Top - 3, lblResults.Width + 6, lblResults.Height + 6), SystemColors.Control, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid) End Sub End Class
Public Class Table Private Shared values()() As Decimal Public Shared Sub createArray(codes() As String, rates() As Decimal, inverse() As Decimal) 'When complete, each cell of the table contains the value 'for one 'From' unit's value in 'To' units ReDim values(codes.GetUpperBound(0)) For x As Integer = 0 To codes.Length - 1 ReDim values(x)(codes.GetUpperBound(0)) values(x)(0) = rates(x) values(0)(x) = inverse(x) values(x)(x) = 1D Next x For c As Integer = 1 To codes.Length - 1 For r As Integer = 1 To codes.Length - 1 values(r)(c) = CDec(values(0)(c) / values(0)(r)) Next Next End Sub Public Shared Function getValueAt(c As Integer, r As Integer) As Decimal Return values(r)(c) End Function End Class
Public Class currencyDetails Public Property code As String Public Property name As String Public Property rate As Decimal Public Property dateString As String Public Property inverseRate As Decimal Public Sub New(code As String, name As String, rate As String, [date] As String, inverseRate As String) Me.code = code = name Me.rate = CDec(rate) Me.dateString = [date] Me.inverseRate = CDec(inverseRate) End Sub Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Return Me.code & " - " & End Function End Class
The NuGet package Newtonsoft.Json makes working with raw JSON a simple task. It's easy to deserialize the JSON string into a Dictionary (in this case Of String, currencyDetails). Working with currency rates that are updated every day as raw JSON can make creating a simple currency converter an easy task.